Kubernetes →part -1 Basics

3 min readMar 9, 2023


What is kubernetes →

Basically Kubernetes is a container Management tool let’s begins with a story suppose you have a aplication running on different containers on someday a huge traffic come on your site and you can’t able to upscale the aplication according to coming traffic at that time we use Kubernetes so kuber done nothing but it autoscale in and out containers according to the traffic on your site

Intresting Facts →

  1. In it’s logo kuber has 7 sticks indicates the project no. 7 by google
  2. K8S → it is also called k8s written in numeronym having 8 letters in between k and s

Before Kuber →

Before kuber Monolithic Aplication is to be build → mono=single lithic=stone ….single stone aplication means all the part of the aplication for eg. in fb all the part including news feed , post,story all the code are deploy in single server and if that single server is crashed all your aplication is shut down

Scalablity and high availablity is not available

Monolithic v/s Microservices →

In monoltihic all the part of the aplication is deploy on the single server if that server is crashed your aplication will shut down

but in Microservices different parts of aplication is deploy to different containers which is connected through API Gateway makes effective use of resources

Diffrence between Docker and K8S→

Multiple Aplication is run inside docker containers and to manage these containers means when to upscale and downscale the containers accroding to traffic on your site is managed by kubernetes

Docker have it’s own tool called docker swarm but it is only used for docker containers but kubernetes is platform independent means used to manage all types of containers

  1. Kubernetes is an open source container management tool which automates container deployment, container scaling and load balancing
  2. It's a schedules ,runs and manages isolated containers. Which are running on virtual /physical or in cloud machine
  3. All the top cloud providers support Kubernetes.

history of k8s →

  1. Google developed an internal system called Borg Later named Omega to deploy and manage 1000 Google Application and services on their cluster(group of containers)
  2. In 2014, Google introduced Kubernetes, an open source platform written in Golang and later donated to CNCF(Cloud Native computing foundation)

Platform to parctise kubernetes →

online platform →

  1. kubernetes playground
  2. play with k8s
  3. play with kubernetes classroom

cloud based k8s services

  1. GKE → google kubernetes engine
  2. AKS →Azure kubernetes services
  3. Amazon EKS →Elastic kubernetes service

Kubernetes installation tool

  1. Minikube
  2. Kubeadm

problems with scaling up the containers →

  1. Container cannot communicate with each other.
  2. Autoscaling and load balancing was not possible.
  3. Containers had to be managed carefully.

Features of kubernetes →

  1. Orchestration → Clustering of any number of container running on different network.
  2. Autoscaling →horizontal (increasing the no. of servers) and vertical(increasing the capacity of the same server)
  3. Load balancing
  4. Platform Independent(on cloud,vm and physical server)
  5. Fault tolenrence(node ,pod failure)
  6. Rollback( going back to pre version)
  7. Health monitering of container
  8. Batch execution(running a batch of same type of services)




Written by Aakib

Cloud computing and DevOps Engineer and to be as a fresher I am learning and gaining experiance by doing some hands on projects on DevOps and in AWS OR GCP

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