Project 3 →Aws DevOps Deployment

7 min readOct 25, 2023


Completion Steps →

  1. fetch a code from github by git clone
  2. Setup code commit repository on aws
  3. push code to code commit using aws CLI
  4. setup aws code-build for building code
  5. setup S3 bucket for code storage
  6. setup code deploy for deployment of code stored in aws S3
  7. setup an EC2 in which you deployed your aplication
  8. Setting Up AWS CodeDeploy Agent on Ubuntu EC2
  9. create the deployment group and deploy the aplication
  10. Setup code pipeline to automate whole process

Step 1 →

  1. git clone

above command pulls your aplication code to your local that is need to pushed in aws code commit

step 2 →Setup code commit

  1. go to aws console search aws code commit and create a demo repository

2. provide necessary permission to aws code commit to use it with aws cli which needs to create an IAM user having a permission of aws code commit

3. search IAM and click on create user

4. click next and create user

5. now you have to give permission to your user of code commit

6 . click on user →security credentials →scroll down for HTTPS Git credentials for AWS CodeCommit →click on generate credentials and download csv.credentials file

7. you also need to attach a policy called “AWSCodeCommitPowerUser

go to permissions and then click on attach policies directly and search for above policy and click on add

your code commit repository is setup next move to step

Step 3 → push code to code commit using aws CLI

  1. clone your code commit url and go to your terminal and run git clone <copied url>
  2. it will ask you for username and password → give it to your code commit credentials that you generated

3. now you have to push all the cloned code of project repository to your code commit repository by commands

  1. cd demo
  2. git clone
  3. git add .
  4. git commit -m”new commit”
  5. git push
pushed code in code commit

Step 3 → Setup aws code-build for building code

  1. go to aws console and search for aws code build
  2. click on create project option
  3. give a name to your project “demo project”
  4. on repo option click on demo and branch to master
  5. for OS choose ubuntu ,runtime to standard and image to latest version
  6. buildspec file → it is a file which tells the code build what steps is needed when you building the code and we have already abuildspec file in code commit so “click on use a buildsepc file” option
  7. click on create build project option and reamin everything as it is

8. Now click on start build option

now you need to store this code in s3 which is further used by code deploy for deployment

step 5 →setup S3 bucket for code storage

  1. go to console and search for s3 and create a bucket
  2. bucket name should be unique globally

3. go to code build and click on edit →artifact →change no artifact to s3 and choose a bucket create in above step

4. and choose zip file for storage

5. click on update artifacts and build again the same project with this extra step of artifacts

6. after building you will see that your code is stored in s3 bucket

now we have to move to step no.6

Step 6 →setup code deploy for deployment of code stored in aws S3 to an EC2

  1. go to console and search for aws code deploy and click on create aplication option
select ec2 in dropdown menu

step 7 → setup an EC2 in which aplication will running or deployed by code deploy

  1. go to ec2 and launch the ubuntu machine

create a aws ec2-service role

having following permission which helps ec2 to communicate with code deploy

2. attach that role to your ec2 →actions →security →modify iam role

create a aws code_deploy_service_role

this role need to be attached on code deploy to allow it to make contact with ec2 and s3

step 8 →Setting Up AWS CodeDeploy Agent on Ubuntu EC2

In order to deploy your app to EC2, CodeDeploy needs an agent which actually deploys the code on your EC2.

So let’s set it up.

Create a shell script with the below contents and run it

  1. connect to your ec2 and run following commands
  2. sudo su
  3. apt update
  4. vim

copy and paste the following code to in your file

# This installs the CodeDeploy agent and its prerequisites on Ubuntu 22.04.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ruby-full ruby-webrick wget -y
cd /tmp
mkdir codedeploy-agent_1.3.2-1902_ubuntu22
dpkg-deb -R codedeploy-agent_1.3.2-1902_all.deb codedeploy-agent_1.3.2-1902_ubuntu22
sed 's/Depends:.*/Depends:ruby3.0/' -i ./codedeploy-agent_1.3.2-1902_ubuntu22/DEBIAN/control
dpkg-deb -b codedeploy-agent_1.3.2-1902_ubuntu22/
sudo dpkg -i codedeploy-agent_1.3.2-1902_ubuntu22.deb
systemctl list-units --type=service | grep codedeploy
sudo service codedeploy-agent status

credit for this file →shubham sir blog

5. press →esc + : +wq →for exit

6. to run this file use the command →bash

you have the following output

your code deploy agent is running

let’s move to next step

step 9 →create the deployment group and deploy the aplication

  1. go to your code deploy and create a deployment group
copy the srn of aws code_deploy_service_role or created above

2. choose in place in deployment type

3. select ec2 instances →name →choose your ec2 in which code deploy agent is running

4. untick on enable load balancing option and never on install aws code deploy agent

and click on create deployment option you will see a follwing page

click on create deployment option following page appears

5. select the above options and paste the path of your build code that is stored in s3 just go to s3 and choose folder and copy s3 url

and then click on create deployment after a few seconds

your aplication is successfully deployed

now go to your ec2 and click on your public ip you will see your aplication is running

congrats you are devops and cloud engineer both at same time

Step 10 → Setup code pipeline to automate whole process

  1. go to your code pipeline and create a pipeline

2. select pipeline type = V2

click on new service role →next step

3. choose source = code commit



choose aws code pipeline(this options immediatley triggerd pipeline whenever there is a new commit in a repo)

4. choose aws code build

project name =demobuild →single build →next step

5. choose aws code deploy

aplication name = demo app

deployment group=demo_dep


6. review and pipeline and start it

7. for checking if it triggers or not whenever i commit make some changes in file and now the result is the following image

yes it is working

here we completed this project hope you like it see you on another project




Written by Aakib

Cloud computing and DevOps Engineer and to be as a fresher I am learning and gaining experiance by doing some hands on projects on DevOps and in AWS OR GCP

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